Sports Quotes on Teamwork

Here we present some sports quotes on teamwork, plus some other select quotes to motivate and inspire your team.

“You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”

Wayne Gretzky

Here at Magic League, we love sports quotes. Particularly sports quotes on teamwork, as team sports is what we specialise in helping with the most. We firmly believe that sport is one of the most profound and inspirational human endeavours that anyone can participate in. That’s why we’ve put together the following inspirational and motivational quotations from a variety of people involved in some capacity within sports, to get you excited and enthused about your next match or other sporting activity.

sports quotes on teamwork
sports quotes on teamwork
Team guts always beats individual greatness.
Team guts always beats individual greatness.
Team guts always beats individual greatness.
Team guts always beats individual greatness.
Team guts always beats individual greatness.
Team guts always beats individual greatness.
Team guts always beats individual greatness.

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What makes sports quotes so powerful?

Sports quotes like these have the power to really motivate and inspire us. But what makes them so powerful? Often it’s because they have come from many of the most respected sports professionals in the world. People who we know we can trust and who really know what it takes to excel. Also it often provides a unique insight into their mentally and what they have had to do to get where they are. Many quotes like these are often clever and highly repeatable as well, so we like to share them with others.

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